Monday, August 19, 2013

Ensuring Your Furnace Is Safe and Efficient

If you are in an area of the country that regularly sees snow and cold temperatures, then you know all to well that the cold months are right around the corner. Soon enough, the mercury will be falling quickly, and it will be time to fire up your furnace and make your home warm and a comfortable temperature for you and your family and guests.

Before you do fire up the heater, ask yourself: "When was the last time I had my furnace inspected and serviced?"

If you cannot remember the last time that your furnace and heating system was serviced, than you may have a much larger problem than just hoping your home will have sufficient heat throughout the winter. Your furnace might be running inefficiently, and could have dangerous issues that could put you and your family in harms way.

Thousands of house fires that occur each year have been traced back to malfunctioning furnaces and other heating sources. These issues could have been repaired, if only a service technician was called out to inspect the heating and AC system. A service technician would have immediately recognized that there was a problem, and would have made suggestions to repair or complete replace the HVAC system. While it may sound like a financial burned, repairing and replacing a heating system is actually quite affordable, and will keep you, your family, and your home safe from home fires or other damages.

Canoga Park Heating and Air Conditioning

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