If you happen to lose your keys change your locks right away. There is no telling where your keys are and if someone has them, they may end up paying your house an uninvited visit. Changing your locks is a much better option and can assure that your house is safe from losing your keys.
Buy a safe. This is vital since it means all of your things will be safe if someone breaks in your home. Conceal the safe in an out-of-the-way and not easily accessible spot, such as an attic or a basement area.
Consider hiding a spare key on your dog. If you have dogs who have free access to the outdoors, try taping a key securely to the inside of one of their collars. This will make your key accessible should you lock yourself out, while keeping your home safe. If you have multiple dogs, choose the dog who is least friendly with strangers.
If there are people you don't know that have access to your social media sites, then you don't want to let all of them know you're on vacation. You may be very excited about your impending vacation, but there is no need to let potential burglars know when you will be gone.
How do you feel now? Surely you feel a lot less lost than when you started reading. Take the advice that you have learned to give you a better idea of what you can do to take charge when it comes to the security system in your home. You will be glad that you did, and it will give you peace of mind.
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